Your Safety
Is Priority #1
View a Sample of The Qualified Inspector Slings & Rigging Hardware Manual
Our Qualified Inspector Slings & Rigging Hardware Manual is a 75-page full color manual covering periodic inspections. Inside you will find 150+ photographic examples of field-damaged slings and rigging hardware.
The Complete RIGGER’S REFERENCE Handbook is a practical, well-illustrated guide designed as a quick reference tool for the beginning and professional rigger, crane operator, supervisor and others responsible for the safe and proper use and inspection of rigging gear. This handbook is specifically designed to be used in the instruction of crane and rigging activity. It is the product of over 40 years of the author’s personal experience in construction and maintenance rigging, as well as the design, development and presentation of crane and rigging training.

These color photos provide an excellent source of visual damage for accessing removal of slings and rigging hardware from service. Throughout the manual, references for removal criteria are accompanied with the requirements from OSHA, ASME, WSTDA, CI and AWRF. An excellent training tool, the use of this manual will greatly enhance one’s knowledge of sling and rigging hardware types, their correct applications, as well as assist in identifying correctly fabricated sling assemblies. This manual assists in the process of one’s ability to confidently identify sling and hardware defects and failures.
Train with RiggSafe Solutions
Our trainees develop rigging competence through innovative programs that utilize a straightforward, practical approach to rigging. The techniques used by our instructors focus on the needs of the “blue collar” student by using well-illustrated, real world examples presented in a supportive environment. Unique from other training companies, RiggSafe Solutions sets out to prove whether good or poor rigging practices listed in standards or rigging books are accurate by testing those concepts. Integrity and quality guides RiggSafe Solutions as we utilize the latest rigging applications, innovative products, and techniques to ensure that our students meet the challenges of today’s new demands for crane and rigging qualifications and certifications. RiggSafe Solutions recommends hand-on training for all courses. An advantage we have is that all of our trainers have many years of experience in the field as well as the classroom.
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